Monday, March 21, 2011

The video for Rebecca Black’s “Friday” now has more YouTube views than Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” - TechCrunch

Rebecca is more famous than Lady Gaga! Techcrunch does a blog on Jessica. Hit the source to see the full blog.

The video for Rebecca Black’s “Friday” now has more YouTube views than Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” at around 26 million versus 22 million for Gaga. For those of you that haven’t been playing along with the meme, Rebecca Black is a 13-year-old aspiring singer whose parents paid $2,000 to have a “professional” music video made by a YouTube popstar factory called, appropriately enough, ARK Factory.

Source: TechCrunch 


  1. Rebecca Black's song may be annoying, but at least she's not singing about sex and stuff

  2. Rebecca Black is beating Justin on the top 100 iTunes list. LOL.
